So I'm pretty excited at my new house (or is it my old house) to be a little more of a decorating diva. All that stuff I've pinned, I want to DO something with it! My first plan is to make THIS....
I have an office at my house in Texas. And in that office I have a big closet that it my scrapbooking closet! In years past it is the kind of closet you must keep the door of closed! NOT ANYMORE! The doors are coming off and I'm making it snazzy! I plan to paint the back of the closet- a green color because I already have the most awesome curtains and rod! Aren't these the COOLEST curtains?!
But I digress- because I'm so stinking excited to make this closet sanctuary. So what did you make already Mel? When I moved into this rental house in Virginia, I spotted these boxes!
They are press board boxes holding all kinds of basement JUNK! They are just screaming to be made CUTE! I reached out to my landlord and asked if she knew they were down there and if she would let me have them!? And she said YES! So- since time is running down I had to get on it! So today (OK- actually LAST Monday) I made it!
And here they are! The colors are a little off in this picture.... but take my word for it- they are CUH-UTE!
They will hold my scrapbook goodies- but most of all they will just look stylish right? You don't have to comment. You don't have to tell me that you love them! BUT- when I post my completed scrapbook closet- I hope you'll comment then and tell me how awesome it is!
While I'm already doing a post that has NOTHING to do with education- I'll post a few other decorating ideas I have for the new/old house.