
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Book a Day Challenge

Hey y'all! I am currently sitting at the public library. I should be doing a PowerPoint for coaches in DC Public Schools, but instead I am fixin' to start my Book a Day challenge from Donalyn Miller.
I am currently reading her 2nd book Reading in the Wild. And on every page, I am reminded of how much I want to be like her and how many books there are out there that I have not read! Hearing Deanna Jump speak recently also reminded me- that I am not reading enough children's books. I realize too, that the way to be more like "them" is to read! It's that simple!

So here I sit at the library (and in procrastination of my real work) I am going to check out 30 books (I can do that because my card has a code on it that says I'm a TEACHER!) and start my Book a Day Challenge. You may be asking- what's with the book a day thing she keeps saying?  Donalyn started this. It is a way of encouraging teachers to read more- and specifically to read books that they own in their classroom library. You know- those books you bought that were on sale? There's no time to read them- but you bought them! Donalyn encourages teachers to take home one book for every day of their summer vacation and to read a book a day.  It's harder of course with chapter books, but can be quickly compensated by reading three or four picture books in a day.

Here is my first stack...

I've set a goal- there are 139 until August 31st. And I want to read 150 books before that date! I'm going to make a spreadsheet and I'm going to keep track of my books! Hopefully finding a few new favorites along the way. Perhaps even some that are worth blogging about?  I'm going to try and remember to use the hashtag #Bookaday Challenge (PS- I am way early on this- Donalyn hasn't even mentioned her 2014 challenge yet) But I'm the kind of girl that needs to get a jump start sometimes and this is one of those times! 

Why don't you join me? You could start now too. Or you could start a stack that you want to take home for the summer?  Come on!!! Do it!